Jack Rudy Cocktail Company - Bourbon Cocktail Cherries


Take your cocktail to the next level with the classic taste of old-fashioned small batch cherries and other Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. bar mixers.

Bourbon Cocktail Cherries – Cherries in a very light syrup, with bourbon and natural color added, from Oregon. (Jack Rudy says that all of its cherries do contain alcohol in the finished product, but there’s no indication of alcohol on the label; I doubt it’s much.) 

13.5 oz  jar.

Do refrigerate after opening. Cherries vary in size/texture: Medium to large, medium color, medium firm to very firm.



Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. is a family-run company based in Charleston, SC and Lexington, KY. Our goal is to take long-forgotten staples of the American bar and reinvent them, in an effort to drink like our great-grandparents might once have.

Our Great-Grandfather's Legacy

Jack Rudy was many things. He was a pilot who illegally flew his plane under the Ohio River Bridge (on a dare), an inventor who created a mechanical device for pharmacists to count pills, and a craftsman who once built a houseboat out of an old city bus.

After serving as an aircraft mechanic in WWII, he spent his working life as an engineer. He read Popular Mechanics and National Geographic cover to cover – a curious type who made his own bullets, and shot them into a dirt wall he constructed in his basement. In addition to being a ‘marvelous’ dancer, he LOVED to entertain and was known to overindulge in drink, smoke, and his wife’s gourmet cooking.

Products and Philosophy

Our products are crafted in the United States in small batches, and distributed carefully across the world to finer bottle shops, bars, restaurants and general fans of a delicious drink.

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